What is the Future of A.I?

Anupama Singh
4 min readNov 21, 2020


Following Are the Future upcoming changes you can expect in this field!

AI and Robotics Will close

The field of cybernetics has already begun to meld with AI which trend is predicted to continue. By incorporating AI technology into robotics, we’ll soon be ready to enhance our own bodies, giving us greater strength, longevity, and endurance. While cybernetics may help us enhance our healthy bodies, the appliance of this technology is basically aimed toward helping the disabled. Those individuals, who have amputated limbs or permanent paralysis, are often given away higher quality of life. Cybernetic limbs which will communicate with the brain can become almost as useful as natural limbs. within the future, artificial limbs may even become stronger, faster, and more efficient.

AI Will Help Create Fully Functional Robots

In addition to helping us enhance our bodies, AI technology is additionally expected to assist us create artificial lifeforms. fantasy has long suggested the concept of human-like robots that are capable of complex interactions. That future might not be very faraway at now . because the field of robotics advances and incorporates AI technology, robots will become useful during a sort of ways. they will combat dangerous jobs and work that poses health risks to people. Even today, drones and fewer sophisticated robots are performing welding and other hazardous tasks, though they’re typically controlled by an operator via a foreign .

How Will AI Technology Change Our Lives on a private Level?

Artificial intelligence has already made its way into many homes, but it’ll soon be indispensable in most households. As we move closer toward becoming a technologically driven society, AI applications will fulfill the promise that computers would make our lives easier. AI technology will help us live happier and healthier lives, while also helping us conserve time, energy, and money.

You’ll Have a Virtual Assistant

Many people already make use of AI-driven personal assistants. Amazon’s Echo and Alexa currently dominate the market, but the competition is starting to offer more virtual assistants to settle on from. What can they are doing for you? Currently, they will provide information, like a weather report, and order services, like place your weekly pizza delivery order. They’re also wont to control smart home devices from the stereo to the thermostat. within the future, AI-driven virtual assistants will anticipate your needs and fulfill them without the necessity to offer them instructions. as an example , if you grill steaks every Friday, your virtual assistant can have fresh steaks delivered to the house every Thursday.

Your Face Will Become Your ID

We’re already seeing biometric incorporated into our daily lives which technology is predicted to evolve. Eventually, many within the tech industry anticipate AI-driven applications allowing machines to acknowledge your face to finish transactions. Your credit cards and driver’s license could also be linked to your face, allowing pattern recognition devices to understand you instantly. this will make everyday transactions much more efficient, saving us from having to attend in line at the shop, bank, or movies.

Receive Better medical aid

Research is already underway to develop new software applications that use AI to assist doctors to diagnose and treat patients. It won’t be long before wearable devices can measure blood glucose levels for diabetics and transmit that data to the patient’s doctor. Already, devices are in use that measure pulse, respiration, and other vital functions. AI can also help patients better understand their care options and communicate more effectively with their caregivers.

AI Responses are going to be More Empathetic

Internet users have already seen the effect AI has had once they visit an internet site with a chatbot. within the past, chatbots were pre-programmed to offer specific answers to specific inquiries. Today, AI software allows chatbots and virtual personal assistants to research any question and supply an accurate response. While that’s impressive, there’s still room for advancement. Ultimately, AI-driven devices will analyze our speech or actions to interpret our needs, in order that they offer more insightful information. this sort of programming might best be described as “digital empathy” and it’s going to provide the simplest human-device interactions possible.

Caring for youngsters and therefore the Elderly are going to be Easier

Both virtual assistants and robots may advance to A level nearing human efficiency, which suggests these devices are going to be ready to look after those needing supervision. Down the road , robots could also be ready to look after your child or elder parent. this will release some time and, in cases of the elderly, prevent them from wanting to enter an assisted living facility. Elders can occupy a home, where they feel easier, while the robot performs functions to stay the individual healthy and safe from harm. The rising concern over elder abuse and neglect may make this one among the foremost anticipated applications for AI.

Hollywood May Become Obsolete

Currently, streaming sites, like using a sort of AI to supply suggestions, supported your previous television and film viewing patterns. Similarly, sites like Spotify and Pandora use AI to assist you to create stations that exclusively play your favourite music. this is often just the start, as far as how AI will cater to our entertainment interests. within the future, AI applications may analyze our interests and draw upon them to make music and shows that use digital performers. Since everything is going to be supported personal preferences, we’ll rarely need to sit through a “flop” or a nasty song.

As AI continues to evolve, these innovations will likely be overshadowed by even greater advancements. While there are no thanks to knowing needless to say how far AI technology will advance, it does seem obvious that it’ll become an integral a part of our lives. Already, we frequently use AI-driven technology without even realizing it

A good way to start your basic knowledge will be to go with online courses as it is easy and convenient, one such good platform can be Eduonix.

